
Finnish Approach

The Finnish education concept is internationally acclaimed for its impressive track record in producing high-ranking student performance, while nurturing well-being for the whole learning community.

Finland International School (FIS) Race Course in South Mumbai creates an atmosphere where students can experience a continuous positive learning environment. The school recognizes each individual learner and the diversity of learners, then supports the learning process of each student.

Finnish education emphasizes cross-curricular themes and learning. Students do not study only subjects, but rather themes and phenomena. Versatile working methods give the students a joy of learning and experiences of success, while supporting creative activities characteristic of different age groups. The function of these working approaches is to develop social, learning, thinking, working, and problem-solving skills, and to foster active participation.

Students take responsibility for their own learning process, while the teacher’s role as a facilitator is important. Through trust in students, we can give more space and support the attainment of everyone’s personal learning goals. Motivation is also strengthened by working methods that support self-regulation and the feeling of being part of a group.

The Finnish system strongly believes in collaboration with the students’ families. There are several studies showing that the students coming from homes that work together with the school and show interest for education, perform much better socially and academically than their peers without this support.

Respect For Diversity

We are different yet we are the same. Let’s embrace this.

Responsibility for learning

We are all learners for life. We trust the professionalism of our teachers, and we trust our students to be proactive learners.

Courage to be creative

To be a pioneer is to take educated risks. To be an innovator is to use your imagination.

Collaboration for shared success

Working together works.

Global citizenship

We are citizens of the world, confidently navigating our own path to reshape the future.